J u l y 2 0 2 4
- Vicar message
- Lectionary
- Parish Election
- July Services
- Sunday School
- Sevika Sanghom
- Young Family Fellowship
- Birthdays and Anniversary
- History of Church
- Circulars
Vicar Message
Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good. Love one another with brotherly
affection. Outdo one another in showing honour. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, and serve
the Lord. Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the
saints and seek to show hospitality.
(Rom. 12.9-13)
May the name of Almighty God be exalted.
In Romans 12:9-21, Paul teaches that love is the guiding principle of Christian living. This chapter
reveals the diverse ways love manifests in Christian life: through joyful hope, endurance in suffering,
perseverance in prayer, supporting fellow believers in need, and practicing hospitality. As we reflect on
these teachings, let us exercise love as the cornerstone of our faith, guiding our actions and
interactions with others. May our lives reflect the love of Christ, showing compassion and kindness to
As June concludes, we reflect on the completion of the Apostles' Fast. Looking ahead, July holds
significant events in our church calendar. On July 3rd, we commemorate the life and martyrdom of St.
Thomas, the Apostle, and also remember him on December 21st. The church lectionary this month
emphasizes Christian giving, reminding us of the importance of generosity in our faith. The second
Sunday of July marks Clergy Sunday, highlighting the crucial role of pastoral ministry. Let us remember
and pray for all clergy members who have guided and inspired us on our spiritual journeys. May we
continue to nurture future generations in Christ, fostering a vision of shepherding the church.
During the third week of July, our parish will hold elections after Sunday service. This longstanding
tradition calls for respectful conduct and graceful participation as we elect leaders for various roles:
Vice President, Secretary, Lay Ministrants (4), Karunya Secretary & Treasurer, and MMDF Convenor.
May Almighty God guide us with wisdom and unity during this process.
Looking forward to upcoming events, the Junior Retreat for Sunday School children (Prep to Year 6)
will be held on July 13th at St. Hilary’s North Balwyn Church. Parents, please encourage your children
to participate. Also, we are preparing for the Senior Camp scheduled for the first week of October; let
us keep these gatherings in our prayers.
I am pleased to share that the recent Musical Workshop for Sunday School students held on June 29th
was a great blessing. My heartfelt appreciation to Sharmila George and the Sunday School family for
their initiative and dedication.
Looking ahead, the Australian Youth Camp 2024 will take place in Sydney from December 6th to 9th. I
encourage all youth to begin preparing and register early for this enriching experience.
I am once again reminding you to consider initiating satellite services to meet the needs of our faithful
community. If members residing in the north and northwest zones are interested in having worship
services and starting Sunday School, please share your thoughts and concerns with me. Kindly
communicate your interest via email to [email protected].
A warm welcome to our new members: Arav Mahesh, Lija Mariam Varghese, Solomon Benny, Kelvin
Thomas& Family. May their journey with us be abundantly blessed as they become part of our
We offer our heartfelt prayers for the bereaved families who have lost their beloved members,
especially the families of Santhosh & Annie, and Vineeth & Manjari. Our thoughts and support are with
them during this challenging time of loss. We also extend our prayers to all those facing difficult
situations, particularly those with family members suffering from serious illness. May the healing hand
of our Lord Jesus bring comfort, strength, and peace to them in their time of need.
As we enter on a new financial year, I extend a warm welcome to our new office bearers, leaders, and
committee members. We express heartfelt gratitude to those who have faithfully led our church with
trust and sincerity. Also I acknowledge the service of Mr. Johny Kunnumpurathu Varkey, who assist the
auditors and trustees in the audit process of our church accounts. Let us join in prayer, asking God to
grant wisdom and understanding to each one, enabling them to fulfil their roles effectively for the year
2023-24. May this year be filled with blessings, growth, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all our
In our journey of faith, may the teachings from Romans 12:9-21 inspire us to embody the true marks of
a Christian community—love without hypocrisy, dedication to good, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.
Let these virtues guide our actions as we seek to glorify God together. Amen.
Shoji Varghese Kasseessa
Melbourne Mar Thoma Church
Marks of the True Christian
Rom. 12: 9-21
Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.
Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves.
Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervour, serving the Lord.
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.
Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.
Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low
position. Do not be conceited.
Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone.
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to
avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.
If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Parish Election
21 July 2024 Sunday
After 8:30am Holy Communion Service to 5pm
List of Candidates submitted Nomination
List of Candidates withdrawn Nomination
July Services & Events
* Changes to any of the above schedule will be intimated closer to the date of each service.
Please contact Assistant Secretary if you wish to bring Altar Flowers
Sunday School
“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
Proverbs 22:6
July 2024:
Term 2 Holidays (No classes at Parkville)
Sunday School AGM after service
Satellite Service Sunday School commences (2pm)
July 2024 (Saturday):
Junior Retreat
July 2024:
Term 2 Holidays (No classes)
July 2024:
Start of Term 3 (Mid-year Exam)
July 2024:
Regular Classes
Satellite Service - Sunday School - Expression of Interest
We are commencing classes on 7th July 2024 at 2pm. Thank you to all who have registered interest so
We are continuing to invite expressions of interest in attending the Sunday School at South Eastern
Suburbs Satellite service of the Melbourne Mar Thoma Church. Kindly use the link below to register and
it helps us plan.
Register interest - Click here to register
Sunday School Choir
The Sunday School Choir which started in October 2023 has around 40 children
currently. The children form the choir every fourth Sunday during the Sunday School
led Communion service.
On the 29/6/2024, the choir held its first music workshop where children worshiped
together, heard testimonies from teachers, learnt about the history of certain hymns,
participated in music based activities and will be composing their own song to be
sung during World Sunday School Day.
Registrations are Open CLICK HERE
Sevika Sanghom
Events When
Online intercessory prayer
8pm on Thursdays
Monthly catch up at church 3rd Sunday after 2nd service
Annual General Meeting 14th July
Young Family Fellowship
Next YFF meeting will be held on Saturday 20th July at 6.30pm at Parkville Church
Mrs.Sheryl Susan Mathew Mrs.Manjari Kuppayil Saji
Master.Ron George Roy Miss.Isabelle Ann Mathew
Mrs.Leena Mariam Mathews Miss.Faythe Lucia Alvin
Mrs.Manju Abraham Mr.Nathan Abraham Mathew
Mr.John Kirubhakaran Miss.Elise Maria John
Master.Hanoch Zen Thomas Mrs.Rini Simon
Mrs.Neeta Ann Mathew Mr.Jacob Alex
Mr.Bino Thomas Dr.Leena Cherian
Mr.Rohit Mathew Roy Mrs.Milan Susan Elias
Miss.Annika Mary Varughese Miss.Mia Ann Thomas
Miss.Sarah E Philip Miss.Neha Annie Mathew
Mr.John Thomas Miss.Ivana Philip
Miss.Evelyn Sara Johnson Miss.Neeshu Sarah Mathew
Mr.Jophy P Varghese Mrs.Jemi Moni
Mr.Thomas K Verghese Master.Darren Jino Cherian
Miss.Jeffy Susan Biju Miss.Liz Leya Ninu
Mrs.Manju Ann Pramode Mrs.Deepa Thomas Kunnutharayil
Miss.Adele Ann Varughese Mr.Dan Alexander
Mr.Jayden John Joji Mr.Melvin Kuruvilla Alex
Mrs.Rina Raju Mr.Binsu George Thomas
Mrs.Betsy Philip Miss.Anuja Aleyamma Mathew
Mr.Tony Koshy Mrs.Priana Joseph Panackal
Mrs.Kathreena Roy Master.Liam Thomas Mathew
Master.Jovan Thekkattil Cijo Mr.Blessy Samuel Thomas
Mrs.Vinita John Mrs.Sharon Mary George
Master.Airen Abraham Mr.Joseph Iype
Mr.Michael Mammen Mrs.Julie Rajesh John
Master.Jeremy Sajan Samuel Mrs.Annie George
Mr.Jeffin George Miss.Rhea Mary Thomas
Dr.V K Varughese Mrs.Shimi Annies Thomas
Master.Christen Benny Binsu Master.Albin S Shaiju
Mr.Siju Varghese Palakara Master.James Ranjith
Master.Ivin Pulikkottil Saiju Mrs.Lisa Biju
Miss.Ruth Alice Renjan Mr.Abraham Cherian
Miss.Izel Marie Thomas Mrs.Sharon Elizabeth Mathew
Mr.Christopher Paulose Master.Vinay Parappat
Mrs.Reena Simon Mr.Renin Thomas
Mrs.Ansu Annie George Mrs.Chinnu Rani Mathew
Mrs.Chinnu Elizabeth Varghese Mr.Richin Mathew
Master.Samuel Zak Saju Mr.Sangeeth Tom Varghese
Mrs.Susan Thomas Mr.George Alex
Mrs.Sneha Susan Varghese Mr.Mabin Thomas George
Miss.Neha Sarah David Mr.Shijo Thomas
Mrs.Anju Selex Mr.Alex Sen Varghese
Master.Alexander Ivan Nevin Mr.Verghese George
Wedding Anniversary
Alex & Sheela
Rajani Sajeev
Satish & Serene
Johnson & Jisha
Sunil & Bindhu
Anith & Maria
Mahesh & Akku
Johny & Pameela
Anup & Deepa
Jabin & Cherish
Bobby & Annie
Subash & Soby
Praveen & Lincy
Anoop & Irin
Roshan & Anpu
Sony & Jackmol
Sunil & Riya
Johny & Shiga
Prinu & Rubi
Ashok & Jolly
Roshan & Seena
Jino & Preethi
Mathew & Mary
Aby & Shiny
The History of the Mar Thoma Church
Post Reformation Period
Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church otherwise called as Mar Thoma Church in a shorter form, which
is a part of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church, is one of the ancient Churches in the world. It
is traditionally believed that St. Thomas (Mar Thoma in Syriac), the disciple of Jesus Christ came to
India in AD 52 and established the Church in the Malabar Coast. Kerala is known as Malankara in
those times. Being rooted in the Bible, the Church maintains its Episcopal heritage and value oriented
democratic form of administration.
The Church believes in Jesus Christ, the God incarnate for the redemption of humankind, and in the
Triune God revealed by him, who himself is one among the Trinity. The Church cherishes its Oriental
heritage and Episcopacy as a gift of God. The Church accepts Holy Bible as the basis for all matters of
faith and doctrine, and the Nicene Creed formulated in accordance with the Holy Scripture. The Church
is regarded as a ’bridge’ church in the Ecumenical world.
The Church identifies its goal and function as: to be the repository of the divine doctrines revealed by
Jesus Christ and proclaimed by His Apostles; to maintain these doctrines in their purity; to promote the
spiritual life of its members through the administration of the sacraments and by the ministry of the
Word. The Church affirms that the people of God are sent all over to the world and they partake in the
soteriological mission of God, to unite everything in Jesus Christ through the ministry of reconciliation
begun in Jesus Christ. The Church is blessed and enriched by the leadership of Metropolitan,
Episcopas, ordained Clergy and deacons. Metropolitan is the Supreme head of the Church. The Laity
has full participation in the Priestly ministry, given through the Church, by Christ. They are called to
profess and practice Christian truths and teachings in their daily life and avocations. The laity shall take
active part in the life and ministry of the Church and co-operate in the general administration of the
The Church is at present blessed by the able leadership of twelve Bishops and is headed by Most Rev.
Dr. Theodosius Mar Thoma Metropolitan who is the 22nd Malankara Metropolitan to occupy the Holy
Apostolic Throne of St. Thomas. The Church is served by 1184 clergy through fourteen dioceses to 1.6
million people (approx.).The headquarters is located at SCS Campus, Tiruvalla, Kerala, India and has
over a million adherents spread worldwide
Post Reformation
Though the reformists succeeded in introducing the revised order of worship and successfully
discontinued many practices, they had to pay a heavy price for achieving the desired result and had to
face serious mental and financial strains arising out of the prolonged legal battles. In pursuance of the
judgment handed out by the Royal Court of Appeal, Bishops consecrated by the reformists group lost
control of the Malankara Church and had to vacate the Syrian Seminary at Kottayam, considered as
the headquarters of the Malankara Church.
Our forefathers, however, did not lose heart. On the contrary, the material loss and humiliation suffered
by them infused renewed vigour and hope in their minds and gave them the confidence to start
rebuilding the Church from scratch, laying their trust in God almighty. There has been a phenomenal
expansion of the Church during the last six decades, widening its frontiers to various countries of West
Asia, Africa, North America and Western Europe.
The Church has now 1246 parishes including congregations, divided into fourteen dioceses. There
are 12 Bishops including the Metropolitan. It has a democratic pattern of administration with a
representative assembly (Prathinidhi Mandalam), an executive council (Sabha Council) and an
Episcopal Synod.
The Church has been active in the field of education and owns Colleges, Higher Secondary Schools,
Vocational Higher Secondary School, High Schools, Training School and other educational institutions
owned and managed by individual parishes.
The Church has social welfare institutions, destitute homes and Hospitals. The Mar Thoma Theological
Seminary (Estd: in 1926) and other Theological Institutes cater to the theological education of both the
clergy and the laity. Further, there are Study Centres, for arranging regular study programmes and to
provide opportunities for creative dialogue between church and society on various ethical, moral, social
and religious issues. The religious education of children is looked after by the Christian Education
Department the Sunday School Samajam (organized in 1905) and the work among youth is carried
on by the Youth Department – the Yuvajana Sakhyam (organized in 1933). The Church has a women’s
department the Mar Thoma Suvisesha Sevika Sanghom (organized in 1919) which is vigorously
The Ecumenical Nature:
The Church actively participates in the programmes of the World Council of Churches, the Christian
Conference of Asia, the National Council of Churches and the Kerala Christian Council. It is in full
communion with the Anglican Church, The Church of South India and the Church of North India and
has cordial relations with the various denominations of the Christian Church. The Church actively co-
operates with the C.S.I. and the C.N.I. through CCI (Communion of Churches in India).
The Mar Thoma Church is financially independent and maintains its indigenous nature. Its regular work
as well as special projects are almost entirely financed by contributions from its members at home and
While the history of the Church especially during the last century shows advance and growth in various
directions, it will be admitted that there is little room for complacency. In the life of the individual as well
as the community, we lag far behind the standard set by our Lord. The Church is in need of renewal in
Spirit in order to become more effective and useful instrument in His hands for the extension of His
Kingdom. As members of the Church let us therefore surrender ourselves under the mighty hand of
God so that He may exalt us and use us for His glory in the years to come.
(Source: https://marthoma.in/the-church/heritage/)
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