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Sunday School

The Melbourne Mar Thoma Church Sunday school has been an integral part of the church since its beginning in 1995 with 20 students and 3 teachers. Today, we have grown significantly and blessed with 252 children and 35 teachers by God’s grace alone. Our Sunday School Motto: ‘Come to Jesus, bring every child to Jesus’ holds true every Sunday as we meet at the Parkville Mar Thoma Church in Melbourne. Sunday school follows the curriculum published by the Samajam each year – ‘Transform through the Word of God.’. Sunday School begins for children ages 3 years =Pre-Kinder/Kinder level and ends at 18 years with the Teens Fellowship.

Each Sunday, we begin with a common time of Worship, Devotion and we disperse into small group classes. The Melbourne MTC Sunday school organizes a lot of events throughout the year amongst others include Camps, Junior Retreat, Scripture Bee, and the children form an integral part of the Church Worship by participating in the service actively.

The Melbourne Mar Thoma Sunday School has been guiding the young people of our church for over 28 years. We are proud of the faithful dedication of our past and present Achens, Committee members, teachers, Worship Coordinators,

and all other support staff who have been a part of this ministry. Without every single one of you, we could not be effective in our mission to bring our children to Jesus. We are truly a representation of the body of Christ, using all of the gifts and talents we've been entrusted with. May His name continue to be glorified through each of you.

Fur further information regarding Sunday School, kindly contact the Vicar – Rev. Shoji Varghese or Principal – Sharmila George

And it’s the end of another academic year. Lessons learnt, stories shared, songs sung, prayers answered, everything done for our love to see our children grow in faith and stay connected with our Church. As teachers, we are amazed and praise God for this wonderful ministry and His grace that sustains us. Though our annual exams are done we are far from the end of our activities. This is the time that our kids wait for eagerly, World Sunday School day and the practice sessions to showcase each of our shining stars on stage during the Sunday School Christmas Carols.

While we celebrate the year gone by and thank God, we remember the less fortunate and will be organizing gift donations for the Starlight Children’s Foundation during World Sunday School Day.

Starlight Children’s Foundation works among seriously ill children and young people to bring the fun, joy and laughter that is essential to sick kids’ health and wellbeing. We encourage you to donate a gift, so that our children continue to see and experience the true meaning of celebration, Godly giving, and Christian joy.